Apples To Apples: Laptops
When looking to purchase a refurbished Apple laptop, making the right choice isnt always easy. Before investing on a new laptop, there are core questions buyers must ask themselves. What are you using the computer for? How much power do you need? How new do you want your model? How important is price? How important are aesthetics? Without considering those key questions, your purchase may not meet your expectations.
Our comparison chart highlights Apples three popular laptop models - MacBook Pro, MacBook, and MacBook Air - offering a high level comparison of key features buyers care about most.
Recommended Display: MacBook Pro & MacBook
Newer model MacBook Pros with Retina Display are the best option for high-quality resolution and color quality, while newer MacBooks are fairly comparable in screen attributes. Depending on the year and model, certain units will have higher pixel ratios (2304 x 1440 - 2800 x 1800) and if higher quality display is a deal breaker, make sure your unit has the highest pixel ratio possible.
Since MacBook models did not have Retina Display until 2009-2010, users with a preference for quality displays will want pay attention to pixel ratios and may want to avoid older models. MacBook Air models do not have Retina Display and their average pixel ratio is 1440 x 900.
Recommended Portability: MacBook Air
While MacBooks and MacBook Pros are still laptops and able to be lugged around pretty easily, MacBook Airs are specifically built for on the go usage. They are the lightest in weight and have a smaller screen option than other Apple laptop models, making them immediately mobile-ready. Additionally, MacBook Air models are equipped with readily-available flash storage, meaning everything loads immediately.
Recommended Battery Life: MacBook Air
When buying an Apple laptop from Mac of all trades, keep in mind youre buying a refurbished model that is no longer fresh out the box. That means the overall battery life has already lessened a bit, depending on how much variable usage there has been on each unit. Still, at the core of each model, the MacBook Air has the best out of box battery life - lasting up to 14 hours on current models.
Recommended Performance: MacBook Pro
Considering performance is completely relative to the laptops owner, choosing one models performance over another really depends on the user. When comparing each models highest level of usability, MacBook Pros are the superior choice. Pros have the highest processing power of all models, offering 2.0GHz - 3.06GHz dual-core or quad-core processors, depending on the unit. That type of power allows them to handle pretty much any program users rely on, whether theyre editing a video on Final Cut Pro or toggling between every app Microsoft Office has to offer.
No matter what you need from your next refurbished Apple laptop, Mac of all trades offers various options of MacBooks, MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs. Shop now and save.