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Mac or PC?

Posted by Mac of all Trades on 09 30, 17

There is a constant debate over which is better; Mac or PC. While both have solid outcomes, a Mac has more capabilities than most people realize. And while yes, Apple products can be more expensive, they typically last 3-4 times longer, so the price is justified. Also, buying a refurbished product is a great and reliable option to get a product that does everything you need!

Mac vs. PC

  • Macs can be more software friendly than PC. Almost as if they are ambidextrous.

    • Why? Macs can run PC software on them!
    • How? Macs come with a program called Bootcamp this allows for the hard drive to run both Windows and OS software. If you feel the need to have both, you can split space on the hard drive to include both.
  • Macs are more stable than a PC. Which makes it less likely to crash. You never get the BSOD

  • Macs are only produced by Apple. So a consumer knows exactly what they are getting. The hardware is designed by the software manufacturer. Whereas PCs are made by a number of manufacturers, who technically might not manufacture anything themselves. They could get it built by the lowest bidder, then slap their name on it. Many TV manufacturers do it!
  • Macs have more well known and IMO, better running applications.

    • Calendar
    • Contacts
    • Safari
    • Photos
    • Messages (my favorite)