Upgrade Ideas Available for Your Refurbished iMac

Some people think that because a refurbished computer isn't right off the shelf, adding advanced capability isn't possible. Well, we're here to tell you otherwise. In all actuality, most refurbished iMacs allow users to add increased functionality if they choose, whether that may be additional RAM storage or various peripherals.
When looking for specific functionality, there's no need to go above and beyond for a brand new iMac desktop computer, only to find out that a single aspect was the only real benefit of buying off the shelf. In many instances, certain peripheral products might provide exactly what you're looking for, while still allowing you to save money from buying refurbished.
Say, for instance, you've got an older model, without the built-in camera needed for Skype. Well, our Apple iSight FireWire Web Camera allows you to share conversations with friends and loved ones just like the camera on a new iMac, only the add-on can be implemented on any iMac with a firewire port. Or, what if your refurbished iMac didn't come equipped with Time Machine, allowing you to constantly back up your work? Well, the Apple Time Capsule peripheral provides the same automated backups and can be purchased a la carte. Additionally, vital benefits of a brand new iMac like bigger screen space and advanced capability for wireless networks can be emulated on refurbished models with our additional LCD displays and Apple Airport Extreme Card, respectively.
For those looking to add RAM specifically, one thing you need to be aware of is the year your refurbished iMac was made. While most aftermarket models these days allow you input the added memory, many have different requirements and are capable of adding more additional RAM than others. So, if you're looking to max out the RAM and give yourself as much power as possible, you ideally want to know the exact specs of your iMac model and run them across Apple's helpful complete list of iMac memory capability which specifies the allotted RAM allowed on every iMac ever made and even explains how to install the added memory yourself.
Basically, whether you're looking to upgrade your aging iMac with some new capability or purchase a refurbished Apple iMac and save on your next computer purchase, peripheral products and RAM memory upgrades are cost-effective ways to avoid spending top dollar on a new computer and still get the user experience you desire.